Monday, September 28, 2015

21 DFX Week 2 Review

I'm still loving the 21 Day Fix Extreme workout program and eating plan!  The workouts continue to be tough- but are getting a little easier!  My favorite workouts are Upper Extreme Fix and Dirty 30 Extreme.  I have had a couple of cheats, but for the most part I have stuck with the plan!  Pinterest has been a lifesaver when it comes to trying new things to eat.  So many great 21 Day Fix Recipes.  You can't get bored!  I'm still drinking Shakeology everyday and loving it!  I really feel like it is helping me with my appetite control.  I'm not craving the unhealthy, fatty or really sweet foods.  (Okay, only every once in a while- but not often!)

I'm waiting to share my final results until the end, but I am down a couple more pounds.  More importantly, I  am feeling great!  Feeling like I am getting stronger, no bloat and no digestion issues.  I eat until I'm satisfied and do not over eat, which I tended to do, when it was something I really liked!

My twin sister, Stephanie is doing the 21 Day Fix Program.  I wanted to share her most recent post about how it is going for her: (with her permission, of course!)
     "2 weeks done on the 21 day fix! Down 8 pounds and about 11 inches total! (Including waist, hips, bust, chest, stomach, arm, calf and thigh )Honestly the workouts are still hard because I'm pushing myself a little bit more each time and I am still craving carbs! But I'm so excited to see some results! It's so motivating! My clothes are fitting better and I don't feel as uncomfortable! And I am actually starting to get excited to do my workouts!"
Steph is doing awesome and working so hard!  Proud of you sis!

**I will be doing a post in a few days about an upcoming challenge group I'm starting.  Steph and I are wanting to do another round of 21 Day Fix and would love to have more people do it with us.  The group will start in a couple of weeks- just in time to get us fit and healthy for Halloween (or at least a great start into the upcoming holiday season.)  Think about if you may be interested or have any family or friends who would want to try the 21 Day Fix too!

If you are curious about anything I have shared, please don't hesitate to email me at or message me on Facebook.

If you want to explore the 21 Day Fix or Shakeology on your own- you can find more information, by going to

Looking forward to hearing about Steph's results and seeing my own results at the end of the week! 

Have a great week! 

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