Monday, November 16, 2015

Favorite Recipes From Last Week!

I thought I would do recap of a few of the recipes that I tried last week!  I'm always looking for new healthy meal ideas and Pinterest never fails me with new meals to try!  Here are some recipes that I tried last week:

Shrimp and Avocado Taco Salad

This was so good!  This light, healthy salad made a perfect lunch.  I would eat it for dinner too.  It was quick and easy to make!

Link to recipe: Shrimp and Avocado Taco Salad

Lemon Garlic Chicken Pasta 
I love pasta and this hit the spot!  This was another quick and easy meal.  It is also 21 Day Fix approved and the author tells us that one serving (1 cup) equals  1 Yellow, 1/2 Red, 1/4 Green, 2 tsp.  My husband and daughters loved it too!  Next time, he wants me to try cilantro instead of parsley though.  He loves cilantro!

Link to recipe: Lemon Garlic Chicken Pasta

Pesto Chicken Caprese and Brussel Sprouts
I had been seeing many different recipes for Chicken Caprese and this one stood out to me! Chad and I loved was sooooo tasty!  I loved the blend of pesto, basil, tomato, and fresh mozzerella!  Again- simple to make!  We just baked it in the oven.  Brussel Spouts- I love them!  Brussel sprouts baked in the oven with a little olive oil is one of my favorite cooked veggies.  This recipe was a little different.  It called for the brussel sprouts to be mixed with olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and then topped with a little Parmesan cheese.  These again turned out excellent!  Next time I might just use a little less lemon. (The Pesto Chicken Caprese looks much prettier before you cook it!;-)

Links to the recipes:
Pesto Chicken Caprese
Garlic Lemon Parmesan Brussel Sprouts

Delicious Snack!
I'm always looking for new ideas for healthy snacks.  My usual go-tos, are veggies with hummus, almonds, fruit, hard boiled eggs, and Kind Bars (I try not to eat those too often.)  Here is what I ate for a snack multiple days last week.  It also makes a great dessert!
  • pomegranate 
  • plain nonfat Greek yogurt (Chobani is my favorite)
  • Kind Granola- I used a little less than a 1/3 of a cup
  • a little drizzle of honey on top
  • If you are trying to cut back on calories- don't use too much granola or honey! ;-)
  • Sometimes I add a little Wheat Germ- gives it a little nutty taste, plus it is good for you!
I'm looking forward to trying some more new recipes this week!  What's on your calendar for meals this week?

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