Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sneak Peak into what I do as a Beachbody Coach!

This last August I signed up to be a Beachbody Coach after thinking about it for a year! I wish I would have signed up earlier! I LOVE it! I get to share about my fitness/health journey while helping others!  Plus, I get 25% off products including Shakeology and the Energize (pre-workout drink). I also earn a 25% commission- since the end of August when I started, I have earned enough to pay for my Shakeology each month and a little extra to spend for Christmas. I am just getting started and I can't wait to help more people get healthy, while holding myself accountable!

I am looking for some like-minded people who would want to join my team. I will be doing a 3 Day Sneak Peak into Coaching starting next Monday (December 7). It will be a private group on Facebook. 

Some questions that will be answered...

-Is it for me?
-What do I have to do?
-How will it help me and my family?

You do not have to...
-be a fitness or nutrition expert
-be at your ideal weight
-push product or be sales-y

If you are interested in being a coach or just want to know what the heck it is, fill out the form below and I will add you to the group!

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