Tuesday, September 8, 2015

My Why

Photo Credit: Barn Owl Photography
S and P- These two are my driving force!  After having my first daughter, I didn't make working out a priority.  I was a new mom and found myself overwhelmed with taking care of a baby and working full time when she was 5 months old.  I quit working out and made poor food choices.  I lacked self-esteem and energy, and did not feel healthy. 

The decision to make my health a priority changed my life.  I have gained more confidence, more energy, and I just feel good.  I also feel comfortable in my clothes- which was a huge deal to me.  I love that I am showing my sweet girls how to take care of their own health.  Even though they sometimes get in my way or try to lay on me while I am doing planks or push-ups, I LOVE that my girls join me when I am exercising or as P calls it "Mousekersizing!"

30 Minute Workouts are Enough!

When I realized that I didn't need to spend hours at a gym or lots of time on the treadmill, it seemed doable.  I started with 30 min Jillian Michael's workouts (which I loved) and then moved on to Beachbody workouts like T25, Piyo, and P90X3.  These are all about 30 minutes and I can easily (well not always easily) but usually, fit one into my day!  (FYI: PiYo does have a few workouts that are longer than 30 minutes) To be honest, there are still days where I don't feel like working out, but I can usually talk myself into doing the workout, knowing that it is only 30 minutes.

Next up...21 Day Fix Extreme and a Motivational/Challenge Group

Next, I will be starting 21 Day Fix Extreme.  I am anxious to get my eating back on track after the summer and am excited to start a new workout program!  My twin sister and mom will also be joining me with the 21 Day Fix.  I am going to start a private group on Facebook called Fall Into Fitness Challenge Group, where we can motivate each other, share struggles and triumphs, share recipes and support each other. Let me know if you would like to be a part of the group!  You can send me a message via
Email: kstrodemier@yahoo.com
Facebook or
Instagram @fitnesslovinmama
or leave a comment below!
You do not have to do the 21 Day Fix to join!  But if you are interested in the 21 Day Fix program or any of the others that I have mentioned (Focus T25, PiYo, P90X3) send me a message and I will send you some more information so you can learn more about it and see if it's right for you.  I can add you to the group if you already have the program too!  I never want to come across sales-y or pushy-  I just love these programs and want to share because they have really helped me!  You can be a part of this group-even if you have no interest in these programs, but just want to be a part of a fitness group.

Happy first week of school to many of my friends who are teachers and those of you with kiddos!

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