Monday, November 9, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme RESULTS - Round 2!

I just completed another round of 21 Day Fix Extreme!  21 Days of portion control and 30 minutes of exercising each day.

Down 5 more pounds and 7 inches!  I'm down a total of 14 pounds and 17 inches from rounds 1 and 2!  I have always struggled with my midsection and I was able to lose another 1.5 inches around my waist!  Just goes to show how important clean eating is-in addition to getting in workouts!  I am feeling leaner and fitter than ever.  I do have to admit, that I was not 100% perfect with the eating, not even 90%, more like 85% of the time, but I followed it close enough to see some more results!  I feel so much better when I am eating healthy foods and I love how I don't feel bloated!  A lot of people ask...."are you hungry all the time?"  My response is always "surprisingly NO!"  I have never felt like I wasn't getting enough to eat.  One challenger even commented that they are eating more than they had in the past!  I also personally believe, that Shakeology has helped some, by helping to curb my appetite for unhealthy foods and satisfying my sweet tooth!  I continued drinking Shakeology everyday for breakfast, and will continue to.  I really look forward to it each morning!  I also never got bored with meal ideas, because there are so many 21 Day Fix approved meal ideas on Pinterest!   Here are my pictures- not a huge noticeable difference in pictures- but I definitely feel leaner and the measurements showed that!  I also continue to feel healthier!  The only struggle is my darn shoulder! 

Down 5lbs and 7 inches.  (Don't mind the bruise on my shoulder-result of the cortisone shot!)

While completing this round of 21 Day Fix Extreme, I hosted and was part of a supportive, challenge group online.  We had over 10 women who were doing the 21 Day Fix.  It was such a fun group to be a part of and it has been exciting to hear everyone's results.  Many have decided to do another round, which brings me to......My FIT for CHRISTMAS Challenge Group!

I plan to do one more round of 21 DFX before January.  (January, I plan to do the new HAMMER and CHISEL program that is coming out next month-looking to tone and build more muscle!)  I will be hosting another private Facebook Challenge Group starting Nov. 30 and it will end on Dec. 20.  This is great timing because it starts AFTER Thanksgiving and ends 5 days BEFORE Christmas! :-)

November and December are, in my opinion the hardest two months to make my own health a priority with everything that goes on.... family/friend parties, holiday goodies, cold, dreary weather, dark early, etc.  I am determined to not get behind on my fitness and gain the typical few pounds that I do.  I will not give in to holiday temptations ALL the time.  (Believe me- I won't avoid them all together- I will just be smart about it...and maybe make up for it with an extra workout! ;-)

So if you are interested in participating in the challenge group, keep reading!

FIT for CHRISTMAS Challenge Group Details:

For this challenge we will be doing the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix EXTREME program, or CIZE, which are all on sale this month! (The challenge pack)-
We will work for 21 days in a private Facebook Group and support each other while we learn about health, fitness and nutrition. 

1. You workout each day.
This is a 7 day/week program and there is something to get you moving each day. It's ONLY 30 minutes a day which is my favorite part. Everyone has 30 minutes!

We are all working and starting at the same time, so we will have the support from one another as we start the process together.  Don’t be scared off by the workouts. Both programs have a wonderful modifier to assist you in intensity (which I definitely had to do the first round).

If you are newer to working out and this is your first or second challenge, then the original 21 Day Fix is your best bet. If you have already tried the 21 Day Fix then you are welcome to go for the Extreme or try CIZE (which is all dancing-I've done one of the workouts a few times and it is so FUN!)

2. You make healthy choices.

This is problem #1 for most busy challengers...even harder than finding the time to work out. The program comes with an amazing recipe book of ideas.  I have also created a Pinboard on Pinterest devoted to 21 Day Fix recipes to share and a Clean Eating board.  The idea is to get you a back in a healthy routine.

Usually everyone is super busy so the key to success is planning. This not only includes planning when you will get your 30 minutes in each day, but what you will eat for each meal.

The challenge pack comes with food containers to support clean eating and proper portion sizes. (CIZE program does too!)  We will share recipes and struggles and help find out what is working for each other. 

3. You are active in our accountability Facebook group.

This is where the magic happens. We share, hold each other accountable, check in every day, and learn from each other. In our last group we shared recipes, support, failures, successes, and so much more.

We are here to lift each other up for the duration of the challenge. We also take before and after pictures, and measurements. We want you to physically see the results that you have gained during the challenge.

This challenge requires you to buy the workout program challenge pack that we use or if you already have one of those programs, you are still welcome to join!

I promise you, it's the best thing I have done for myself in the last year!  You can even ask my husband!  He will be joining me for this round too!

I look forward to helping you reach your goals!!

*For information on how to order and get plugged into the Fit Challenge,  leave a comment on the blog, Facebook post, private message me, or send me an email at  You can just comment "I'm in!"  and I will send you the info!

*Feel free to share this with family members or friends who may be interested in joining this Challenge!

Thanks for reading!


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