Monday, October 26, 2015

Round 2 of 21 Day Fix Extreme: Week 1

Hey guys!  I just finished my first week of Round 2 of 21 Day Fix Extreme.  During the couple weeks between my first round and this round of the 21 DFX, my healthy eating habits slacked a little, but I continued working out 5 days a week, alternating between T25 and P90X3.  Thankfully, I didn't gain weight back, but I could definitely tell I wasn't eating as healthy as I had been by the way I felt!

The Workouts
The workouts are still tough, but getting a little easier.  I'm able to do the moves a little bit longer before taking a break!  My favorite videos are still Upper Fix and Dirty 30 (whole body workout.)  Sunday is always Yoga, and I always add in the 10 min Hard Core which is an ab workout that is included.  Plyo continues to be the toughest for me, but I am getting better!  I'm also continuing to get up at 5 am (during the work week) to workout.  These morning workouts are really growing on me. :-)  It's not always easy getting out of bed, but I feel great after the workout is finished and I don't have to try and fit it in later in the day.

The Food
Using the colored containers continues to be so much easier than counting calories!  If I happen to not have my containers, I'm getting pretty good at eye-balling the amounts.  I'm sure to use the containers when I am at home though!  Here are some of my favorite go to meals:
  • Breakfast: Shakeology- with 1 tsp peanut butter or a tbsp of PP2, 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 cup water, pinch of slivered almonds, 1 scoop vanilla Shakeology, and ice.
  • Lunch: turkey chili leftovers, salad with chicken, veggies, and balsamic vinaigrette, taco salad, 21 Day Fix approved tostadas
  • Dinner: turkey chili, lettuce wrapped tacos, chicken fajitas, scrambled eggs with veggies, turkey bacon, and a piece of whole wheat toast.
  • Snacks: fruit, veggies w/ hummus, hard boiled eggs,  Kind bars 

Challenge Group
It has been so fun completing this round of 21 Day Fix with a challenge group.  I'm leading the group, but the women who are in the group are holding me accountable too.  It has been so nice to share our struggles and successes!  Don't forget, another challenge group is starting next Monday.  There is still time to order the 21 Day Fix program.  If you have been struggling with weight, body image, or healthy eating, this is such a great way to get back on track.  It will end 3 days before Thanksgiving.  Perfect timing, right?!?!  If you choose to, you can start back up with it after Thanksgiving!  Even though "Fix" is in the title, it really isn't just a quick fix, it is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE!  Please don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions.  I am here to help you, regardless if you are purchasing something or not!

 Follow me on:
Instagram @fitnesslovinmama

Have a great week and thanks again for reading!

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