Monday, October 5, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Final Results!

Those 21 days flew by!  (For those of you who are new readers, I have been completing the 21 Day Fix Extreme workout/meal plan program by Autumn Calabrese)  This last week I allowed myself a few more treats than I should have (like a couple lattes-oops!), but got all my workouts in!  I'm sure I would have had even better results if I would have stuck to the diet more strictly this last week.

Here are my final results:

Total Pounds Lost: 7.3
Total Inches Lost: 10

For 21 days, I feel like those are pretty good results!  I really enjoyed the program and am so happy I did it.  I had already been working out consistently with T25 and P90X3, but I feel like these workouts really pushed me a step farther!  The eating plan was so helpful with getting me to eat healthier and control my portion sizes.  When I started the program, I was worried I would be hungry all the time- but I wasn't!  I felt satisfied after every meal and even in between meals.  

During the 21 days, I also drank a Shakeology (nutrient packed protein shake) everyday for breakfast.  This was nice because it only counted for 1 red, unless I added stuff to it.  I was able to save my containers for other meals and have a quick and easy breakfast.  

My favorite recipe with the Vanilla Shakeology was: 
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 2/3 cup water, ice
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 tsp of natural peanut butter
  • 5 almonds.  
It was delicious!  Again, I was really skeptical of the Shakeology, but it helped me with my appetite control and satisfied my sweet tooth.  I also didn't drink coffee most days, and felt it gave me an energy boost.

My twin sister, Stephanie, also had great results with the 21 Day Fix!  She lost 10 lbs and 14.4 inches!  Way to go, Steph!  She said she is feeling so much healthier!

I feel like I am just getting started and can't wait to start a new round on October 19th!  There are 4 of us so far who are in the Fit for Fall Challenge Group on Facebook.  Please leave me a message or email me at if you are interested in being a part of the Challenge Group or if you have any questions about 21 Day Fix or Shakeology!

**Challenge Group will include:
  • Daily motivation, guidance & accountability from me
  • Sharing of recipes
  • Sharing of what's going well and things we are struggling with 
This month the 21 Day Challenge Pack is $20 off too!  It comes with the workouts, containers, 30 day supply of Shakeology, an insulated bag, and more extras!  I wish it would have been on sale when I bought it!!!   
You can read more about the Challenge Pack by going to:
-Go to the Beachbody Challenge Tab
-Click on Challenge Packs and chose 21 Day Fix
Thank you for being a part of my journey!!!



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