Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Mama Karen's Pepper Steak & Rice Recipe

I LOVE my mom's Pepper Steak!  I made just a few minor tweaks to make it fit my nutrition plan for 22 Minute Hard Corps.  Here it is!

1 lb steak of your choice.  We had fillets in our freezer that we used.  My mom uses sirloin.
Olive Oil (a couple teaspoons is all I used)
2 Cloves Garlic, crushed
1 and 1/2 cups Beef Broth
1 cup sliced onion
2 green peppers cut in strips
5 mini bell peppers sliced
2 tbsp corn starch
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce
(optional) 2 large fresh tomatoes, cut in 1/8  (I forgot to add these to mine!)
1 1/2 cups dry brown rice

Cut steak into strips of your choice.  Sprinkle with garlic salt (just a little) and pepper.  Brown meat with a little olive oil.  Add garlic and broth.  Cover and simmer for 20-30 minutes.  Stir in onions and peppers.  Cover and cook about 5 minutes or until veggies are tender.  Blend corn starch, water, and soy sauce in a separate mixing cup.  Stir into meat mixture.  Stirring until thickened.  Add tomatoes and stir gently.  Serve over rice.  Not sure how many servings this made, but my husband and I ate and had enough leftovers for lunch! Enjoy!

Pepper Steak served over Brown Rice!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

February "Love Your Body" Fitness Challenge Group

Hey friends! I just wanted to let you know about our upcoming February “Love Your Body” Challenge Group.  These challenge groups have been such a blessing to myself as well as others.  I love leading them and have reconnected with old friends and made new.  The support that we all have for each other is awesome and much needed.  We are all on this journey to live healthier lives.  It isn’t just about losing weight, it’s about the inner transformation too! Here is a quote from one of January’s amazing challengers!

Wow…what an amazing thing to read!  This was not my doing, but the challenger’s. All I did was provide a supportive environment for it to happen in!  So excited for more people to experience this!

The next fitness challenge group will officially START Feb. 15th. The group will last 3 weeks. 

Here is what you can expect from the Facebook Challenge Group:
  • Private (Only challengers in the group can see & read posts.
  • Daily Motivational Posts & Questions from me (your coach)
    • These DAILY check-ins are great for keeping you involved AND motivated!
  • Support from OTHER challengers
  • Sharing of RECIPES & Healthy Meal Ideas

 Requirements for joining the Challenge Group:
1.   Invest in a FITNESS PROGRAM to use during the 3 weeks and beyond.  The FAVORITE is 21 Day Fix and is a great one to start with!  (Other options include 21 Day Fix EXTREME, PiYo, Hammer & Chisel, Focus T25, Insanity Max 30, P90X3, and more.) 
I have personally done 21 DFX, Piyo, Hammer & Chisel, P90x3, and Focus T25, so I can help you find the right program for your personal goals!
***If you want to browse the fitness programs you can go to www.teambeachbody.com/fitnesslovinmama and click SHOP.
2. Drink SHAKEOLOGY----This is not a requirement, but is recommended.  Shakeology is a nutrient dense, protein shake that helps reduce cravings, improve digestion and regularity, and gives you energy.

*****Investing in a CHALLENGE PACK is definitely the way to go if you want to try SHAKEOLOGY, because you get the Fitness Program AND a month's supply of SHAKEOLOGY.  The 21 Day Fix & 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Packs are currently $20 off!  There is also a way to save on Shakeology and that is by becoming a "Discount Coach" and I can tell you more about that if you are interested.

     3. Participate in the online Challenge Group!
-By staying involved you are more likely to stay motivated and have better results!

If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, email me at kstrodemier@yahoo.com, subject “February Challenge” and I can help you get set for the Challenge Group!  You can also message me via Facebook. 

I can’t wait to start a new Challenge with a few returning challengers and some new ones! Summer is right around the corner! ;-)

Saturday, December 19, 2015

My Top 3 Favorite Workout Gear!

Having the right workout gear can really influence how successful you are with a fitness program and/or healthy lifestyle.  Here are three of my must haves!

1. Heart Rate Monitor and Calorie Tracker Watch- This is such a motivator for me.  I have the Polar FT4.  I wear a heart rate band and watch while I workout out.  It keeps track of my heart rate, time of working out, and how many calories burned.  If I think I haven't burned enough calories then I push myself a little harder or add in a few more cardio moves to increase the count!  I have had mine for over 2 years.

The Polar FT4 is on sale at REI for $44.93.  Almost $30 off! Click on the following link to find it. Polar FT4

When it is time to upgrade,  I think I want this one!  The Polar GPS Watch M400 in White! http://www.bestbuy.com/site/polar-m400-gps-watch-white/9237132.p?id=1219406101600&skuId=9237132

2. Variety of weights- With all of the workout programs I have, weights are required at some point.  I have to have a variety because I can't do all moves with one size.    It I did, some moves would be too hard and some would be way too easy!  I use 10s and 5s most often.  I also have 15s and 3s.  I really need to invest in some 8s!  If you want even more variety in weights you can go with these... Bowflex SelectTech Dumbbells. I bought them for my husband a couple Christmases ago and they are awesome!  They go from 5-52.5pounds in increments of 2.5lbs the first 25lbs. http://www.amazon.com/Bowflex-SelectTech-Adjustable-Dumbbells-Pair/dp/B001ARYU58

3. Cute workout apparel- Okay, this one isn't required but for me, having fun, cute workout clothes to wear is motivating!  I love Chin-up Apparel workout tanks because of their fun sayings.  They can be found online at http://www.chinupapparel.com/, Target, Kohls, and JCPenny.  I also like to get my workout capris/leggings and shorts at Marshall's and TJ Max.

What are your must haves for working out???

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Tips for Becoming a Morning Workout Person

I used to HATE working out in the morning!!!  I mean, actually despise it!  I always felt so sluggish and like I couldn't workout as hard as I did in the afternoon.  Plus, I would have rather laid in bed a little longer.

Well...things have changed! 
 I actually look forward to getting up early and getting in my workouts.  
Here are a few reasons why:
-I like having that quiet, alone time first thing in the morning.
-It puts me in a good mood for the day.
-It gives me a burst of energy.
-I feel refreshed and more awake on my way to work.
-If I have a busy day planned, I don't have an excuse to miss it later in the day.
-It boosts my metabolism for the day.

How can you become a morning workout person?  Here are some tips that have helped me.

-Set out clothes and any equipment the night before.  This will save you time in the morning.

-Tell a friend, spouse, family member or post on social media that you are planning on working out in the morning.  This will hold you accountable!

-Go to bed earlier!  If you are going to be getting up earlier, you must go to bed at an earlier time!  Sleep is still important!

-Set your alarm clock 10-15 minutes earlier than the time you want to get up.  For me, that means setting my alarm for 4:30 a.m.! I have recently started doing this because it gives me time to lay in bed for a few minutes and relax, check my email, FB, Instagram, and the news.  For some people this might not be a good idea, because you might want to go back to sleep.  For me, it works!

-Drink a natural pre-workout like Energize.  Now this one isn't for everyone and you definitely don't have to drink this to get in a morning workout.  I have been drinking this for the last month on most days I workout, except if its a low impact like Yoga.  This specific pre-workout contains safe ingredients that are scientifically shown to help give you energy without side effects.  It is supposed to help boost energy and endurance, improve exercise performance, sharpen focus and reaction time, increase muscle power output, delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue.  I like it because it gives me a small boost of energy and helps me to feel more awake without making me jittery.  I also like that it doesn't have artificial ingredients or preservatives.  Could I workout without it, sure, but I like to have that little boost, especially for tougher workouts.  :-)  It also tastes good!  You can read more about it by clicking here:  Beachbody Performance Energize

Me with my cup of Energize!

 -Give it time!  Don't give up on being a morning workout person after just a couple of days.  It will take TIME for your body to adjust to getting up earlier and working out.  It took me at least a month!  But I honestly love it now (most days ;-)

If you have any tips to share about getting up early to workout, please do SHARE! :-)

Friday, December 4, 2015

How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Every year I seem to gain a few pounds during the holiday season!  I always eat more and overindulge, especially on the sweets!  During past years, my workouts dwindle to just one or two a week, because of everything going on and lack of motivation.  This year I am on a mission to avoid the holiday weight gain!  I know doing another round of the 21 Day Fix Extreme right now will help!  I did want to share some tips for avoiding the holiday weight gain...some are "no brainers" but still worth sharing!

Tips for Holiday Parties & Family Get-Togethers
1. Never go to a party hungry!
2. Snack on the veggie tray (take it easy on the ranch!)
3. Use a small plate.
3. Alcoholic Beverages: Have 1 glass or bring your own "light" version.
4. Bring your favorite healthy side dish to share.
5. Chew Gum!
6. Get your workout in early and push yourself, so you can enjoy a treat later.
7. If you are hosting a get-together or party, send the left over food home with guests.

Additional Tips:
 8. When shopping, park in the back of the parking lot and walk the extra distance.
9.  Set up a workout plan for the busy holiday season and stick to it!
10.  If you know you have a party coming up, eat extra healthy the few days before and then enjoy a few treats at the party-guilt free!
11. Finally, if you do over eat, don't beat yourself up about it.  Just get back on track the next day!

Remember that the holidays shouldn't mean that it is time to give up on an exercise routine and to not eat healthy.  It is all about balance...continue to workout out, make healthy food choices 80% of the time and then enjoy a few treats!  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!

What tips would you add to the list???

My crew on Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sneak Peak into what I do as a Beachbody Coach!

This last August I signed up to be a Beachbody Coach after thinking about it for a year! I wish I would have signed up earlier! I LOVE it! I get to share about my fitness/health journey while helping others!  Plus, I get 25% off products including Shakeology and the Energize (pre-workout drink). I also earn a 25% commission- since the end of August when I started, I have earned enough to pay for my Shakeology each month and a little extra to spend for Christmas. I am just getting started and I can't wait to help more people get healthy, while holding myself accountable!

I am looking for some like-minded people who would want to join my team. I will be doing a 3 Day Sneak Peak into Coaching starting next Monday (December 7). It will be a private group on Facebook. 

Some questions that will be answered...

-Is it for me?
-What do I have to do?
-How will it help me and my family?

You do not have to...
-be a fitness or nutrition expert
-be at your ideal weight
-push product or be sales-y

If you are interested in being a coach or just want to know what the heck it is, fill out the form below and I will add you to the group!